Change management

“Exercise creativity, show empathy, build resilience.”

A crisis can be global, disruptive, and scary. A crisis can unite people just as easily as it can push them apart, this is why is crucial to invest in your team.

During a crisis organisations are forced to rethink their normal work patterns, to explore new forms of communication, and to respond differently to stakeholders’ needs.

This means working in uncertainty and learning to manage change.

Following each change, there is the need to re-build trust, help your team overcome their fears and worries, and shape new routines that support and strengthen your organisation and everyone in it.

The proposed method is to exercise creativity, show empathy, building a resilient organization together.

is the ability to find alternative solutions; a precious resource in uncertain times.

is the key to connect with your team, to build trust, and overcome difficulties.

is the ability to recover, and the capacity to find alternative solutions; key to managing unpredictable challenges.

All three can be trained, all three reinforce each other, all three improve well-being at work.

Is your organisation ready to bounce back?

This new “Change management workshop” offered by Well-Being ART Work will help you to get back up and go further.

The purpose of the workshop is to:

Re-think the workplace,

Re-connect with your team,

Re-build your work community.

Creativity, empathy and resilience will be the focus to transform any crisis into an opportunity and to emerge that much stronger as a team and as an organisation.

The Change Management workshops as well as all other Well-Being ART Work sessions can be tailored to your organisation’s needs.
A resilient organisation invests in the well-being of its team.

Get in touch, I would be happy to share ideas and best practices with you.